Title : The relationship between REM sleep and memory consolidation in old age and effects of cholinergic medication - Hornung_2007_Biol.Psychiatry_61_750 |
Author(s) : Hornung OP , Regen F , Danker-Hopfe H , Schredl M , Heuser I |
Ref : Biological Psychiatry , 61 :750 , 2007 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Recent findings in young adults suggest that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep plays a role in procedural memory consolidation. The significance of REM sleep for memory consolidation in old age has not yet been investigated. |
PubMedSearch : Hornung_2007_Biol.Psychiatry_61_750 |
PubMedID: 17141741 |
Hornung OP, Regen F, Danker-Hopfe H, Schredl M, Heuser I (2007)
The relationship between REM sleep and memory consolidation in old age and effects of cholinergic medication
Biological Psychiatry
61 :750
Hornung OP, Regen F, Danker-Hopfe H, Schredl M, Heuser I (2007)
Biological Psychiatry
61 :750