Title : A case of severe neuropathy associated with hypertriglyceridemia - Hou_2008_Endocr.Pract_14_1020 |
Author(s) : Hou R , Goldberg AC , Tobin GS |
Ref : Endocr Pract , 14 :1020 , 2008 |
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: To describe a case of severe neuropathy associated with hypertriglyceridemia. |
PubMedSearch : Hou_2008_Endocr.Pract_14_1020 |
PubMedID: 19095603 |
Hou R, Goldberg AC, Tobin GS (2008)
A case of severe neuropathy associated with hypertriglyceridemia
Endocr Pract
14 :1020
Hou R, Goldberg AC, Tobin GS (2008)
Endocr Pract
14 :1020