

Title : Expression pattern of enzymes related to juvenile hormone metabolism in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L - Hua-Jun_2011_Mol.Biol.Rep_38_4337
Author(s) : Hua-Jun Y , Fang Z , Awquib S , Malik FA , Roy B , Xing-Hua L , Jia-Biao H , Chun-Guang S , Niu YS , Yun-Gen M
Ref : Mol Biol Rep , 38 :4337 , 2011
Abstract :

The physiological balance of juvenile hormone (JH) in insects depends on its biosynthesis and degradation pathway. Three key enzymes namely, juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase (JHEH) and juvenile hormone diol kinase (JHDK) are required for degradation in insects. Our present results showed that JHE and JHEH exhibited expression in almost all the tissues. This indicated that JHE and JHEH might degrade JH simultaneously. In addition, the highest levels of JHDK were observed in the midgut, with trace level being found in the malpighian tubule and haemocytes. Since the midgut is a digestive organ and not a JH target, it was hypothesized that both JHE and JHEH hydrolyzed JH to JH diol (JHd) which was then transported to midgut and hydrolyzed further by JHDK, to be finally excreted out of the body. Also the expression studies on JH degradation enzymes in different tissues and stages indicated that the activities of the three enzymes are specific and coincident with the JH functions in silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

PubMedSearch : Hua-Jun_2011_Mol.Biol.Rep_38_4337
PubMedID: 21107706

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Hua-Jun Y, Fang Z, Awquib S, Malik FA, Roy B, Xing-Hua L, Jia-Biao H, Chun-Guang S, Niu YS, Yun-Gen M (2011)
Expression pattern of enzymes related to juvenile hormone metabolism in the silkworm, Bombyx mori L
Mol Biol Rep 38 :4337

Hua-Jun Y, Fang Z, Awquib S, Malik FA, Roy B, Xing-Hua L, Jia-Biao H, Chun-Guang S, Niu YS, Yun-Gen M (2011)
Mol Biol Rep 38 :4337