Title : Crossbridge behaviour during muscle contraction - Huxley_1985_J.Muscle.Res.Cell.Motil_6_153 |
Author(s) : Huxley HE , Kress M |
Ref : J Muscle Res Cell Motil , 6 :153 , 1985 |
Abstract :
A number of recent observations by probe and X-ray methods on the behaviour of crossbridges during contraction is considered in relation to the energetics of the process. It is shown that a self-consistent picture of the crossbridge cycle, compatible with these observations and involving strongly and weakly attached crossbridges, can be obtained providing that the tension-generating part of the crossbridge stroke is only about 40 A i.e. about one-third of the usually accepted value. The myosin head subunits in the tension-generating bridges could have a configuration close to that of rigor. A mechanism is suggested whereby rapid tension recovery after quick releases up to 120 A could still be produced by such a system. |
PubMedSearch : Huxley_1985_J.Muscle.Res.Cell.Motil_6_153 |
PubMedID: 2993356 |
Huxley HE, Kress M (1985)
Crossbridge behaviour during muscle contraction
J Muscle Res Cell Motil
6 :153
Huxley HE, Kress M (1985)
J Muscle Res Cell Motil
6 :153