Title : Maze learning in aged rats is enhanced by phenserine, a novel anticholinesterase - Ikari_1995_Neuroreport_6_481 |
Author(s) : Ikari H , Spangler EL , Greig NH , Pei XF , Brossi A , Speer D , Patel N , Ingram DK |
Ref : Neuroreport , 6 :481 , 1995 |
Abstract :
A new generation of cholinesterase inhibitors is expected to overcome some limitations of the therapeutic use of anticholinesterases. Phenserine is a long-acting and selective inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase with a preferential brain uptake. We have assessed the effects of chronic phenserine tartrate treatment on performance of aged Fischer-344 rats in the 14-unit T-maze. Phenserine (1-3 mg kg-1, i.p.) treatment for 5 days significantly reduced the number of errors made in the Stone maze. Other performance variables were also improved. No side effects were noted across 5 days treatment at doses of 1-2 mg kg-1. Phenserine can therefore improve the performance of aged rats in this complex maze task without producing obvious side effects. |
PubMedSearch : Ikari_1995_Neuroreport_6_481 |
PubMedID: 7766848 |
Inhibitor | Phenserine |
Ikari H, Spangler EL, Greig NH, Pei XF, Brossi A, Speer D, Patel N, Ingram DK (1995)
Maze learning in aged rats is enhanced by phenserine, a novel anticholinesterase
6 :481
Ikari H, Spangler EL, Greig NH, Pei XF, Brossi A, Speer D, Patel N, Ingram DK (1995)
6 :481