

Title : Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase-Neuroplastin Complexes Are Selectively Stabilized in GM1-Containing Lipid Rafts - Ilic_2021_Int.J.Mol.Sci_22_
Author(s) : Ilic K , Lin X , Malci A , Stojanovic M , Puljko B , Rozman M , Vukelic z , Heffer M , Montag D , Schnaar RL , Kalanj-Bognar S , Herrera-Molina R , Mlinac-Jerkovic K
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 22 : , 2021
Abstract :

The recent identification of plasma membrane (Ca(2+))-ATPase (PMCA)-Neuroplastin (Np) complexes has renewed attention on cell regulation of cytosolic calcium extrusion, which is of particular relevance in neurons. Here, we tested the hypothesis that PMCA-Neuroplastin complexes exist in specific ganglioside-containing rafts, which could affect calcium homeostasis. We analyzed the abundance of all four PMCA paralogs (PMCA1-4) and Neuroplastin isoforms (Np65 and Np55) in lipid rafts and bulk membrane fractions from GM2/GD2 synthase-deficient mouse brains. In these fractions, we found altered distribution of Np65/Np55 and selected PMCA isoforms, namely PMCA1 and 2. Cell surface staining and confocal microscopy identified GM1 as the main complex ganglioside co-localizing with Neuroplastin in cultured hippocampal neurons. Furthermore, blocking GM1 with a specific antibody resulted in delayed calcium restoration of electrically evoked calcium transients in the soma of hippocampal neurons. The content and composition of all ganglioside species were unchanged in Neuroplastin-deficient mouse brains. Therefore, we conclude that altered composition or disorganization of ganglioside-containing rafts results in changed regulation of calcium signals in neurons. We propose that GM1 could be a key sphingolipid for ensuring proper location of the PMCA-Neuroplastin complexes into rafts in order to participate in the regulation of neuronal calcium homeostasis.

PubMedSearch : Ilic_2021_Int.J.Mol.Sci_22_
PubMedID: 34948386

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Ilic K, Lin X, Malci A, Stojanovic M, Puljko B, Rozman M, Vukelic z, Heffer M, Montag D, Schnaar RL, Kalanj-Bognar S, Herrera-Molina R, Mlinac-Jerkovic K (2021)
Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase-Neuroplastin Complexes Are Selectively Stabilized in GM1-Containing Lipid Rafts
Int J Mol Sci 22 :

Ilic K, Lin X, Malci A, Stojanovic M, Puljko B, Rozman M, Vukelic z, Heffer M, Montag D, Schnaar RL, Kalanj-Bognar S, Herrera-Molina R, Mlinac-Jerkovic K (2021)
Int J Mol Sci 22 :