

Title : Fraternal twins with autism, severe cognitive deficit, and epilepsy: diagnostic role of chromosomal microarray analysis - Imitola_2014_Semin.Pediatr.Neurol_21_167
Author(s) : Imitola J , Walleigh D , Anderson CE , Jethva R , Carvalho KS , Legido A , Khurana DS
Ref : Semin Pediatr Neurol , 21 :167 , 2014
Abstract :

A 7-year-old child presented with atypical absence epilepsy. He also had autism and severe cognitive deficit. As part of his diagnostic workup, a chromosomal microarray analysis was performed, which showed novel biallelic deletions in the neurexin 1 gene (NRXN1). His fraternal twin sister, who also had autism and cognitive impairment, was subsequently found to have the same biallelic deletions. Deletions included a 272-282kb loss at band 2p16.3 in one allele and a smaller 135-174-kb loss on the second allele. Neurexin 1 (NRXN1) is a cell adhesion protein, forming a synaptic complex with neuroligin. This signals a pathway that is critical for activity-dependent synaptic transmission. Mutations in this gene have been associated with autism and neurodevelopmental delay. Although there are many reports of heterozygous mutations with variable expressivity, only 3 cases with biallelic NRXN1 mutations have been previously reported, all of which have a more severe phenotype. We report 2 siblings with biallelic deletions, both of which affect the promoter region and exons 1-5 in the alpha-NRXN1 isoform, which has a role in the Ca(2+)-dependent release of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Our cases expand the phenotype of biallelic alpha NRXN 1 mutations and emphasize the important role of NRXN1 in autism and intellectual disability. Chromosomal microarray analysis should be the clinical standard in all specialties for first-tier genetic testing in autistic spectrum disorders.

PubMedSearch : Imitola_2014_Semin.Pediatr.Neurol_21_167
PubMedID: 25149956

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Imitola J, Walleigh D, Anderson CE, Jethva R, Carvalho KS, Legido A, Khurana DS (2014)
Fraternal twins with autism, severe cognitive deficit, and epilepsy: diagnostic role of chromosomal microarray analysis
Semin Pediatr Neurol 21 :167

Imitola J, Walleigh D, Anderson CE, Jethva R, Carvalho KS, Legido A, Khurana DS (2014)
Semin Pediatr Neurol 21 :167