

Title : An analysis of dorsal root ganglia differentiation using three tissue culture systems - Inczedy-Marcsek_1993_In.Vitro.Cell.Dev.Biol.Anim_8_661
Author(s) : Inczedy-Marcsek M , Hsu L , Lindner E
Ref : In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology Anim , 8 :661 , 1993
Abstract :

The histogenesis of the dorsal root ganglia of chick embryos (ages 3 to 9 days) was followed in three different tissue culture systems. Organotypic explants included dorsal root ganglia connected to the lumbosacral segment of the spinal cord or isolated explants of the contralateral ganglia. Additionally, dissociated monolayer cultures of ganglia tissue were established. The gradual differentiation of progenitor neuroblasts into distinct populations of large ventrolateral and small dorsomedial neurons was observed in vivo and in vitro. Neurites developed after 3 days in the presence or absence of nerve growth factor in the medium. In contrast, autoradiographic analysis indicates that [3H]thymidine incorporation in neuronal cultures differed significantly from intact embryos. In vivo, the number of neuronal progenitor cells labeled with [3H]thymidine decreased in older embryos; in vitro, uptake of [3H]thymidine label was not observed in ganglionic progenitor cells regardless of the age of the donor embryo or the type of culture system. Lack of proliferation in ganglionic progenitor cells was not due to degeneration because vital staining and uptake of [3H]deoxyglucose indicated that neurons were metabolically active. Furthermore, the block in mitotic activity in vitro was limited to presumptive ganglionic neuronal cells. In the ependyma of the spinal cord segment connected to the dorsal root ganglia, neuronal progenitor cells were heavily labeled as were non-neuronal cells within both spinal cord and ganglia. Our results suggest that in vitro conditions can promote the differentiation of sensory neurons from early embryos (E3.5-4.5) without proliferation of progenitor cells.

PubMedSearch : Inczedy-Marcsek_1993_In.Vitro.Cell.Dev.Biol.Anim_8_661
PubMedID: 8376319

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Inczedy-Marcsek M, Hsu L, Lindner E (1993)
An analysis of dorsal root ganglia differentiation using three tissue culture systems
In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology Anim 8 :661

Inczedy-Marcsek M, Hsu L, Lindner E (1993)
In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology Anim 8 :661