

Title : Cholinergic alterations following alcohol exposure in the frontal cortex of Aldh2-deficient mice models - Jamal_2009_Brain.Res_1295_37
Author(s) : Jamal M , Ameno K , Miki T , Wang W , Kumihashi M , Isse T , Kawamoto T , Kitagawa K , Nakayama K , Ijiri I , Kinoshita H
Ref : Brain Research , 1295 :37 , 2009
Abstract :

We investigated the effects of alcohol (EtOH) and acetaldehyde (ACe) on choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the frontal cortex of Aldh2-/- (KO) mice. KO mice were used as models of Aldh2-deficient humans to examine ACe effects. Brain samples were analyzed at 40 and 120 min after 2- and 4-g/kg intraperitoneal EtOH administration by RT-PCR and Western blot. Wild-type (WT) mice exhibited a remarkable decrease in ChAT and AChE mRNA expression at both time points only after 4-g/kg EtOH treatment compared with the naive control, whereas KO mice showed a considerable reduction in cholinergic markers after 2- and 4-g/kg EtOH treatment. The 4-g/kg EtOH-induced decrease in ChAT and AChE RNA expression at both time points was significantly greater than that in obtained with the administration of 2-g/kg at 40 min in WT mice. KO mice showed a significant difference in ChAT mRNA at 40 min between the EtOH groups. The findings regarding the ChAT mRNA levels are consistent with the results of Western blot in both types of mice, with some exceptions. EtOH-induced ChAT and AChE expression in KO mice was significantly lower than that in WT mice. This genotype effect occurred mostly at 40 min after EtOH dosing. Only ACe was quantified in the brains of KO mice, whereas EtOH was detected in both types of mice in vivo. These results suggest that EtOH and ACe combined or high EtOH alone alters cholinergic markers expression via changes in presynaptic and postsynaptic processes in the mice frontal cortex, thus indicating that central cholinergic neurons may be sensitive to EtOH and ACe.

PubMedSearch : Jamal_2009_Brain.Res_1295_37
PubMedID: 19664611

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Jamal M, Ameno K, Miki T, Wang W, Kumihashi M, Isse T, Kawamoto T, Kitagawa K, Nakayama K, Ijiri I, Kinoshita H (2009)
Cholinergic alterations following alcohol exposure in the frontal cortex of Aldh2-deficient mice models
Brain Research 1295 :37

Jamal M, Ameno K, Miki T, Wang W, Kumihashi M, Isse T, Kawamoto T, Kitagawa K, Nakayama K, Ijiri I, Kinoshita H (2009)
Brain Research 1295 :37