

Title : Localization of muscarinic receptors on somatostatin-like immunoreactive neurones of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder in culture - James_1989_Neurosci.Lett_106_13
Author(s) : James S , Burnstock G
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 106 :13 , 1989
Abstract :

Muscarinic receptors were localized on cells cultured from the detrusor muscle of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder by autoradiography using the irreversible muscarinic antagonist [3H]propylbenzilylcholine mustard, before being immunostained with an antibody to somatostatin. Many mononucleate and binucleate intramural neurones immunoreactive for somatostatin were observed (60-75% of the total population), a subpopulation of which (40-60%) expressed muscarinic receptors. Autoradiographic grains were distributed over the whole cell body surface and the entire length of the neurites. An even distribution of silver grains was also seen on cultured smooth muscle cell surfaces, but not on other cell types present in the culture preparations. The demonstration of muscarinic receptors on specific neuropeptide-containing cells in culture is consistent with the existence of specialized cholinergic, intraganglionic circuits within the bladder wall, and suggests that somatostatin may also be involved in the integration and/or modulation of bladder function.

PubMedSearch : James_1989_Neurosci.Lett_106_13
PubMedID: 2586819

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James S, Burnstock G (1989)
Localization of muscarinic receptors on somatostatin-like immunoreactive neurones of the newborn guinea pig urinary bladder in culture
Neuroscience Letters 106 :13

James S, Burnstock G (1989)
Neuroscience Letters 106 :13