

Title : Infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN1) maps to the short arm of chromosome 1 - Jarvela_1991_Genomics_9_170
Author(s) : Jarvela I , Schleutker J , Haataja L , Santavuori P , Puhakka L , Manninen T , Palotie A , Sandkuijl LA , Renlund M , White R , et al.
Ref : Genomics , 9 :170 , 1991
Abstract :

The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (CLNs) are one of the most common progressive encephalopathies of childhood in Western countries. They are divided into three main types: infantile, late infantile, and juvenile. The inheritance of all forms is autosomal recessive, and the biochemical background is totally unknown. The infantile type (CLN1) demonstrates the earliest onset of symptoms and the most severe clinical course. CLN1 is enriched in the Finnish population with incidence of 1:20,000, and only about 50 cases have been reported from other parts of the world. We have collected 15 Finnish CLN1 families with one or two diseased children for a linkage analysis with polymorphic probes randomly localized on human chromosomes. After studying 42 polymorphic protein and DNA markers, we found definitive proof of linkage with three different probes on the short arm of chromosome 1, with maximum lod scores of 3.38 at theta = 0.00 (0.00-0.08) for D1S57 (pYNZ2), 3.56 at theta = 0.00 (0.00-0.09) for D1S7 (lambda MS1), and 3.56 at theta = 0.00 (0.00-0.11) for D1S79 (pCMM8). With the assignment of the CLN1 gene, our study demonstrates the power of multiallelic VNTR probes in the search for linkage of a rare recessive disorder using limited family material.

PubMedSearch : Jarvela_1991_Genomics_9_170
PubMedID: 1672288
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PPT1

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Jarvela I, Schleutker J, Haataja L, Santavuori P, Puhakka L, Manninen T, Palotie A, Sandkuijl LA, Renlund M, White R, et al. (1991)
Infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN1) maps to the short arm of chromosome 1
Genomics 9 :170

Jarvela I, Schleutker J, Haataja L, Santavuori P, Puhakka L, Manninen T, Palotie A, Sandkuijl LA, Renlund M, White R, et al. (1991)
Genomics 9 :170