

Title : Novel lipolytic enzymes identified from metagenomic library of deep-sea sediment - Jeon_2011_Evid.Based.Complement.Alternat.Med_2011_271419
Author(s) : Jeon JH , Kim JT , Lee HS , Kim SJ , Kang SG , Choi SH , Lee JH
Ref : Evid Based Complement Alternat Med , 2011 :271419 , 2011
Abstract :

Metagenomic library was constructed from a deep-sea sediment sample and screened for lipolytic activity. Open-reading frames of six positive clones showed only 33-58% amino acid identities to the known proteins. One of them was assigned to a new group while others were grouped into Families I and V or EstD Family. By employing a combination of approaches such as removing the signal sequence, coexpression of chaperone genes, and low temperature induction, we obtained five soluble recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. The purified enzymes had optimum temperatures of 30-35 degrees C and the cold-activity property. Among them, one enzyme showed lipase activity by preferentially hydrolyzing p-nitrophenyl palmitate and p-nitrophenyl stearate and high salt resistance with up to 4 M NaCl. Our research demonstrates the feasibility of developing novel lipolytic enzymes from marine environments by the combination of functional metagenomic approach and protein expression technology.

PubMedSearch : Jeon_2011_Evid.Based.Complement.Alternat.Med_2011_271419
PubMedID: 21845199
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-d8v1j0 , 9bact-d8v1i9 , 9bact-d8v1i5 , 9bact-d8v1i8 , 9bact-d8v1i6 , 9bact-d8v1i7

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Gene_locus 9bact-d8v1j0    9bact-d8v1i9    9bact-d8v1i5    9bact-d8v1i8    9bact-d8v1i6    9bact-d8v1i7

Citations formats

Jeon JH, Kim JT, Lee HS, Kim SJ, Kang SG, Choi SH, Lee JH (2011)
Novel lipolytic enzymes identified from metagenomic library of deep-sea sediment
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 :271419

Jeon JH, Kim JT, Lee HS, Kim SJ, Kang SG, Choi SH, Lee JH (2011)
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011 :271419