

Title : Muscarinic toxins: novel pharmacological tools for the muscarinic cholinergic system - Jerusalinsky_2000_Toxicon_38_747
Author(s) : Jerusalinsky D , Kornisiuk E , Alfaro P , Quillfeldt J , Ferreira A , Rial VE , Duran R , Cervenansky C
Ref : Toxicon , 38 :747 , 2000
Abstract :

Muscarinic receptors are widely spread throughout the body, and are involved in the regulation of fundamental physiological processes, like the modulation of the heart rate, control of motor systems and modulation of learning and memory. In the central nervous system the cholinergic transmission is mainly mediated by muscarinic receptors; there are five subtypes that are all expressed in the brain of mammals (m1-m5). There are regional differences in their concentrations in the brain and more than one subtype is expressed in the same cell. It has been difficult to study their localization and function in vivo due to the lack of ligands that exclusively act on one subtype of the receptor. We studied the action of the muscarinic toxins MT1, MT2 and MT3, from the venom of the snake Dendroaspis angusticeps, on muscarinic receptors, by using the classical muscarinic radioligand 3H-NMS as reporter of the inhibition of its own binding, to either native or cloned receptors. We have also studied the in vivo effects on memory retention of the injection of the toxins into discrete brain regions. The muscarinic toxins appear to be invaluable tools to study receptor pharmacology, physiology and structure/function relationships. They would enable the design of new, more selective, pharmacological agents.

PubMedSearch : Jerusalinsky_2000_Toxicon_38_747
PubMedID: 10695963

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Jerusalinsky D, Kornisiuk E, Alfaro P, Quillfeldt J, Ferreira A, Rial VE, Duran R, Cervenansky C (2000)
Muscarinic toxins: novel pharmacological tools for the muscarinic cholinergic system
Toxicon 38 :747

Jerusalinsky D, Kornisiuk E, Alfaro P, Quillfeldt J, Ferreira A, Rial VE, Duran R, Cervenansky C (2000)
Toxicon 38 :747