

Title : Deciphering the species differences in CES1A-mediated hydrolytic metabolism by using a bioluminescence substrate - Jin_2022_Chem.Biol.Interact_368_110197
Author(s) : Jin Q , Li Z , Zhang MJ , Liu WC , Zou LW , Sui H , Wang DD , Tang QF , Ge GB
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 368 :110197 , 2022
Abstract :

Carboxylesterases 1A (CES1A) is a key enzyme responsible for the hydrolytic metabolism of a great deal of endogenous and exogenous substrates bearing ester- or amide-bond(s). This study aimed to decipher the species difference in CES1A-mediated hydrolytic metabolism by using a newly developed bioluminescence CES1A sensor (termed NLMe) as the probe substrate, while the liver microsomes from six different mammalian species (human, cynomolgus monkey, dog, minipig, rat and mouse) were used as the enzyme sources. Metabolite profiling demonstrated that all tested liver microsomes from various species could catalyze NLMe hydrolysis, but significant difference in hydrolytic rate was observed. Kinetic plots of NLMe hydrolysis in liver microsomes from different species showed that the inherent clearance rates (C(lint)) of NLMe in human liver microsomes (HLM), cynomolgus monkey liver microsomes (CyLM), and pig liver microsome (PLM) were comparable, while the C(lint) values of NLMe in dog liver microsomes (DLM), mouse liver microsomes (MLM), and rat liver microsomes (RLM) were relatively small. Moreover, chemical inhibition assays showed that NLMe hydrolysis in all tested liver microsomes could be competently inhibited by BNPP (a potent broad-spectrum inhibitor of CES), but CUA (a selective inhibitor of human CES1A) only inhibited NLMe hydrolysis in human liver microsomes and dog liver microsomes. In summary, the species differences in CES1A-catalyzed NLMe hydrolysis were carefully investigated from the views of the similarities in metabolite profile, hydrolytic kinetics and inhibitor response. All these findings provide new insights into the species differences in CES1A-mediated hydrolytic metabolism and suggest that it is necessary for the pharmacologists to choose appropriate animal models to replace humans for evaluating the in vivo effects of CES1A inhibitors.

PubMedSearch : Jin_2022_Chem.Biol.Interact_368_110197
PubMedID: 36174736

Related information

Inhibitor CUA    BNPP
Substrate NLMe

Citations formats

Jin Q, Li Z, Zhang MJ, Liu WC, Zou LW, Sui H, Wang DD, Tang QF, Ge GB (2022)
Deciphering the species differences in CES1A-mediated hydrolytic metabolism by using a bioluminescence substrate
Chemico-Biological Interactions 368 :110197

Jin Q, Li Z, Zhang MJ, Liu WC, Zou LW, Sui H, Wang DD, Tang QF, Ge GB (2022)
Chemico-Biological Interactions 368 :110197