

Title : Chromogenic lactate-leukocyte esterase substrates - Johnson_1997_Bioconjug.Chem_8_76
Author(s) : Johnson GM , Schaeper R
Ref : Bioconjug Chem , 8 :76 , 1997
Abstract :

The first successful reported use of lactate-based chromogenic, colorimetric substrates for a serine protease-based enzyme is described. A series of hydroxy-protected 5-phenyl-3-hydroxypyrrolyl L-lactate substrates of the general formula RO-Lac-OPP were prepared and formulated into reagents for the determination of leukocytes in dry phase formats.

PubMedSearch : Johnson_1997_Bioconjug.Chem_8_76
PubMedID: 9026039

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Citations formats

Johnson GM, Schaeper R (1997)
Chromogenic lactate-leukocyte esterase substrates
Bioconjug Chem 8 :76

Johnson GM, Schaeper R (1997)
Bioconjug Chem 8 :76