

Title : Modeling enzymatic kinetic pathways for ring-opening lactone polymerization - Johnson_2011_Biomacromolecules_12_3337
Author(s) : Johnson PM , Kundu S , Beers KL
Ref : Biomacromolecules , 12 :3337 , 2011
Abstract :

A unified kinetic pathway for the enzyme-catalyzed polymerization and degradation of poly(sigma-caprolactone) was developed. This model tracks the complete distribution of individual chain lengths, both enzyme-bound and in solution, and successfully predicts monomer conversion and the molecular mass distribution as a function of reaction time. As compared to reported experimental data for polymerization reactions, modeled kinetics generate similar trends, with ring-opening rates and water concentration as key factors to controlling molecular mass distributions. Water is critically important by dictating the number of linear chains in solution, shifting the molecular mass distribution at which propagation and degradation equilibrate. For the enzymatic degradation of poly(sigma-caprolactone), the final reaction product is also consistent with the equilibrium dictated by the propagation and degradation rates. When the modeling framework described here is used, further experiments can be designed to isolate key reaction steps and provide methods for improving the efficiency of enzyme polymerization.

PubMedSearch : Johnson_2011_Biomacromolecules_12_3337
PubMedID: 21834510

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Johnson PM, Kundu S, Beers KL (2011)
Modeling enzymatic kinetic pathways for ring-opening lactone polymerization
Biomacromolecules 12 :3337

Johnson PM, Kundu S, Beers KL (2011)
Biomacromolecules 12 :3337