

Title : DPP9 is a novel component of the N-end rule pathway targeting the tyrosine kinase Syk - Justa-Schuch_2016_Elife_5_
Author(s) : Justa-Schuch D , Silva-Garcia M , Pilla E , Engelke M , Kilisch M , Lenz C , Moller U , Nakamura F , Urlaub H , Geiss-Friedlander R
Ref : Elife , 5 : , 2016
Abstract :

The aminopeptidase DPP9 removes dipeptides from N-termini of substrates having a proline or alanine in second position. Although linked to several pathways including cell survival and metabolism, the molecular mechanisms underlying these outcomes are poorly understood. We identified a novel interaction of DPP9 with Filamin A, which recruits DPP9 to Syk, a central kinase in B-cell signalling. Syk signalling can be terminated by degradation, requiring the ubiquitin E3 ligase Cbl. We show that DPP9 cleaves Syk to produce a neo N-terminus with serine in position 1. Pulse-chases combined with mutagenesis studies reveal that Ser1 strongly influences Syk stability. Furthermore, DPP9 silencing reduces Cbl interaction with Syk, suggesting that DPP9 processing is a prerequisite for Syk ubiquitination. Consistently, DPP9 inhibition stabilizes Syk, thereby modulating Syk signalling. Taken together, we demonstrate DPP9 as a negative regulator of Syk and conclude that DPP9 is a novel integral aminopeptidase of the N-end rule pathway.

PubMedSearch : Justa-Schuch_2016_Elife_5_
PubMedID: 27614019

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Justa-Schuch D, Silva-Garcia M, Pilla E, Engelke M, Kilisch M, Lenz C, Moller U, Nakamura F, Urlaub H, Geiss-Friedlander R (2016)
DPP9 is a novel component of the N-end rule pathway targeting the tyrosine kinase Syk
Elife 5 :

Justa-Schuch D, Silva-Garcia M, Pilla E, Engelke M, Kilisch M, Lenz C, Moller U, Nakamura F, Urlaub H, Geiss-Friedlander R (2016)
Elife 5 :