

Title : [Mechanism of the acetylene effect during interaction of organophosphorus compounds with cholinesterases] - Kabachnik_1999_Izv.Akad.Nauk.Ser.Biol_5_517
Author(s) : Kabachnik MI , Godovikov NN , Vikhreva LA , Pudova TA , Brestkin AP , Rozengart VI
Ref : Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol , 5 :517 , 1999
Abstract :

Here we present data on the anticholinesterase activity of 58 synthesized ethers of phosphorus thioacids with an acetylene bond in the thioether group. Anticholinesterase activity of the compounds, with acetylene group in beta and especially alpha position, in the thioether radical is many times that of their saturated analogs. Reaction between the enzymes and acetylene organophosphorous inhibitors, as well as their saturated analogs, results in phosphorylated enzyme. The triple bond plays a significant role in the acceleration of cholinesterases phosphorylation. Antienzyme activity of acetylene organophosphorous inhibitors is discussed.

PubMedSearch : Kabachnik_1999_Izv.Akad.Nauk.Ser.Biol_5_517
PubMedID: 10581870

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Kabachnik MI, Godovikov NN, Vikhreva LA, Pudova TA, Brestkin AP, Rozengart VI (1999)
[Mechanism of the acetylene effect during interaction of organophosphorus compounds with cholinesterases]
Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol 5 :517

Kabachnik MI, Godovikov NN, Vikhreva LA, Pudova TA, Brestkin AP, Rozengart VI (1999)
Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol 5 :517