

Title : Insights into the Effects of Insecticides on Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae): Resistance Mechanisms and Molecular Basis - Kaleem_2023_Int.J.Mol.Sci_24_
Author(s) : Kaleem Ullah RM , Gao F , Sikandar A , Wu H
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 24 : , 2023
Abstract :

With the passage of time and indiscreet usage of insecticides on crops, aphids are becoming resistant to their effect. The different classes of insecticides, including organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids and neonicotinoids, have varied effects on insects. Furthermore, the molecular effects of these insecticides in aphids, including effects on the enzymatic machinery and gene mutation, are resulting in aphid resistance to the insecticides. In this review, we will discuss how aphids are affected by the overuse of pesticides, how resistance appears, and which mechanisms participate in the resistance mechanisms in various aphid species as significant crop pests. Gene expression studies were analyzed using the RNA-Seq technique. The stress-responsive genes were analyzed, and their expression in response to insecticide administration was determined. Putative insecticide resistance-related genes, cytochrome P450, glutathione S-transferase, carboxylesterase CarEs, ABC transporters, cuticle protein genes, and trypsin-related genes were studied. The review concluded that if insecticide-susceptible aphids interact with ample dosages of insecticides with sublethal effects, this will result in the upregulation of genes whose primary role is to detoxify insecticides. In the past decade, certain advancements have been observed regarding insecticide resistance on a molecular basis. Even so, not much is known about how aphids detoxify the insecticides at molecular level. Thus, to attain equilibrium, it is important to observe the manipulation of pest and insect species with the aim of restoring susceptibility to insecticides. For this purpose, this review has included critical insights into insecticide resistance in aphids.

PubMedSearch : Kaleem_2023_Int.J.Mol.Sci_24_
PubMedID: 37047722

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Citations formats

Kaleem Ullah RM, Gao F, Sikandar A, Wu H (2023)
Insights into the Effects of Insecticides on Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae): Resistance Mechanisms and Molecular Basis
Int J Mol Sci 24 :

Kaleem Ullah RM, Gao F, Sikandar A, Wu H (2023)
Int J Mol Sci 24 :