

Title : Thermodynamic analysis of human retinal acetylcholinesterase inhibition using an anti-Alzheimer's drug, tacrine, through the development of a dual substrate and temperature model - Kamal_2000_Proc.Natl.Sci.Counc.Repub.China.B_24_108
Author(s) : Kamal MA , Alhomida AS , Al-Rajhi AA , Al-Jafari AA
Ref : Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B , 24 :108 , 2000
Abstract :

The present study determines the energy parameters, such as the Gibb's free energy change (deltaG), enthalpy change (deltaH), heat of activation (deltaH*), entropy change (deltaS), temperature coefficient (Q10) and activation energy (Ea), of human retinal acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC inhibition by tacrine. The stereo-frequency collisions factor (PZ, the number of sterically and energetically favorable collisions occurring between tacrine and AChE) was also studied in this investigation. Tacrine significantly increased the value of deltaG, deltaH, deltaH*, Q10, Ea and PZ factor, and decreased the value of deltaS for AChE. Since there is no known report on the inhibition of human retinal AChE by tacrine, these results were compared with the reported values for the energy parameters of camel retinal and chicken brain AChE inhibition by an anti-cancer drug, cyclophosphamide. The uniqueness of this approach lies in the development of the 'dual substrate and dual temperature' model, which may open up a new, more efficient avenue for the study of various enzyme catalyzed reactions.

PubMedSearch : Kamal_2000_Proc.Natl.Sci.Counc.Repub.China.B_24_108
PubMedID: 10943943

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Kamal MA, Alhomida AS, Al-Rajhi AA, Al-Jafari AA (2000)
Thermodynamic analysis of human retinal acetylcholinesterase inhibition using an anti-Alzheimer's drug, tacrine, through the development of a dual substrate and temperature model
Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B 24 :108

Kamal MA, Alhomida AS, Al-Rajhi AA, Al-Jafari AA (2000)
Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China B 24 :108