

Title : The combined effects of pyridostigmine and chronic stress on brain cortical and blood acetylcholinesterase, corticosterone, prolactin and alternation performance in rats - Kant_2001_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_70_209
Author(s) : Kant GJ , Bauman RA , Feaster SR , Anderson SM , Saviolakis GA , Garcia GE
Ref : Pharmacol Biochem Behav , 70 :209 , 2001
Abstract :

Thousands of soldiers who served in the Gulf War have symptoms that have been collectively termed Gulf War Illness (GWI). It has been suggested that a combination of operational stress and pyridostigmine, a drug given as a pretreatment to protect soldiers against the effects of exposure to nerve agents, might have had unexpected adverse health effects causing these symptoms. Our laboratory has previously modeled operational stress in rats using a paradigm of around-the-clock intermittent signalled footshock. In the present studies, this model was used to investigate the potential synergistic effects of chronic stress and pyridostigmine on physiology and behavior. Seventy-two rats were trained to perform an alternation lever pressing task to earn their entire daily food intake. The rats were then implanted with osmotic minipumps containing vehicle, pyridostigmine (25 mg/ml pyridostigmine bromide) or physostigmine (20 mg/ml eserine hemisulfate). The pumps delivered 1 microl/h, which resulted in a cumulative dosing of approximately 1.5 mg/kg/day of pyridostigmine or 1.2 mg/kg/day of physostigmine, equimolar doses of the two drugs. The rats were then returned to their home cages where performance continued to be measured 24 h/day. After 4 days, 24 of the 72 rats were trained to escape signalled footshock (avoidance-escape group) and 24 other rats (yoked-stressed group) were each paired to a rat in the avoidance-escape group. The remaining 24 rats were not subjected to footshock (unstressed group). Shock trials were intermittently presented in the home cage 24 h/day for 3 days, while alternation performance continued to be measured. Since only 12 test cages were available, each condition was repeated to achieve a final n of six rats per group. Pyridostigmine and physostigmine each decreased blood acetylcholinesterase levels by approximately 50%. Physostigmine also decreased brain cortical acetylcholinesterase levels by approximately 50%, while pyridostigmine had no effect on cortical acetylcholinesterase activity. Alternation performance was impaired on the first day of stress and then recovered. Neither pyridostigmine nor physostigmine affected performance in the absence of stress or increased the effects of stress alone. Corticosterone was significantly increased in the yoked stress group compared to unstressed controls. These data suggest that pyridostigmine does not exacerbate the effects of stress on performance or levels of stress hormones. Furthermore, these data do not suggest that stress enables pyridostigmine to cross the blood brain barrier.

PubMedSearch : Kant_2001_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_70_209
PubMedID: 11701190

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Citations formats

Kant GJ, Bauman RA, Feaster SR, Anderson SM, Saviolakis GA, Garcia GE (2001)
The combined effects of pyridostigmine and chronic stress on brain cortical and blood acetylcholinesterase, corticosterone, prolactin and alternation performance in rats
Pharmacol Biochem Behav 70 :209

Kant GJ, Bauman RA, Feaster SR, Anderson SM, Saviolakis GA, Garcia GE (2001)
Pharmacol Biochem Behav 70 :209