

Title : Residual efficacy of pirimiphos methyl (Actellic) on Anopheles sacharovi in Cukurova, Turkey - Kasap_1992_J.Am.Mosq.Control.Assoc_8_47
Author(s) : Kasap H , Kasap M , Akbaba M , Alptekin D , Demirhan O , Luleyap U , Pazarbasi A , Akdur R , Wade J
Ref : J Am Mosq Control Assoc , 8 :47 , 1992
Abstract :

Village-scale trials of 50% emulsifiable concentrate (EC) and 40% wettable powder (WP) formulations of pirimiphos methyl (Actellic) were carried out against Anopheles sacharovi in Cukurova, Turkey. Susceptibility tests with wild caught, gonoactive and composite aged An. sacharovi over a range of chemical concentrations resulted in 100% mortality after exposure for 60 min to a 0.5% active ingredient concentration. Surface treatments of Actellic 50% EC at 0.9 g/m2 caused a significant decrease in parous rate and a 96.9% reduction in resting density. Persistence on concrete, wood, zinc and plywood was still high at the time of the second spray round, more than 7 wk postspray and ranged from 73% (zinc) to 98% (plywood). More than 50% mortality was still recorded 8 wk postspray using 1.6 g/m2 WP on wood, plywood, zinc and thatch substrates.

PubMedSearch : Kasap_1992_J.Am.Mosq.Control.Assoc_8_47
PubMedID: 1583488

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Citations formats

Kasap H, Kasap M, Akbaba M, Alptekin D, Demirhan O, Luleyap U, Pazarbasi A, Akdur R, Wade J (1992)
Residual efficacy of pirimiphos methyl (Actellic) on Anopheles sacharovi in Cukurova, Turkey
J Am Mosq Control Assoc 8 :47

Kasap H, Kasap M, Akbaba M, Alptekin D, Demirhan O, Luleyap U, Pazarbasi A, Akdur R, Wade J (1992)
J Am Mosq Control Assoc 8 :47