

Title : The effect of alpha-bungarotoxin on acetylcholine receptors - Katz_1973_Br.J.Pharmacol_49_138
Author(s) : Katz B , Miledi R
Ref : British Journal of Pharmacology , 49 :138 , 1973
Abstract :

Fluctuations of membrane potential ('membrane noise') during acetylcholineinduced depolarization have been studied by intracellular recording from endplates of frog muscle fibres. When acetylcholine sensitivity had been greatly reduced by an irreversible inhibitor (alpha-bungarotoxin), analysis of the membrane noise showed that neither the amplitude nor the time course of the 'elementary' potential change (due to the molecular depolarizing action of acetylcholine) were altered.

PubMedSearch : Katz_1973_Br.J.Pharmacol_49_138
PubMedID: 4787522

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Katz B, Miledi R (1973)
The effect of alpha-bungarotoxin on acetylcholine receptors
British Journal of Pharmacology 49 :138

Katz B, Miledi R (1973)
British Journal of Pharmacology 49 :138