Title : Cow's milk allergy presenting Hirschsprung's disease-mimicking symptoms - Kawai_2005_Pediatr.Surg.Int_21_850 |
Author(s) : Kawai M , Kubota A , Ida S , Yamamura Y , Yoshimura N , Takeuchi M , Nakayama M , Okuyama H , Oue T , Kawahara H , Okada A |
Ref : Pediatr Surg Int , 21 :850 , 2005 |
Abstract :
The authors present a neonatal case of allergic colitis, which manifested the difficulty of spontaneous defecation and irregular narrowing of distal rectum in contrast enema. Rectal suction biopsy showed positive acetylcholinesterase activity. These clinical, radiological and histological findings were indistinguishable from Hirschsprung's disease. Gastrointestinal symptoms were improved by the cessation of cow's milk formula. The present findings may impact on the less recognizable gastrointestinal manifestation of allergic colitis. |
PubMedSearch : Kawai_2005_Pediatr.Surg.Int_21_850 |
PubMedID: 16189674 |
Kawai M, Kubota A, Ida S, Yamamura Y, Yoshimura N, Takeuchi M, Nakayama M, Okuyama H, Oue T, Kawahara H, Okada A (2005)
Cow's milk allergy presenting Hirschsprung's disease-mimicking symptoms
Pediatr Surg Int
21 :850
Kawai M, Kubota A, Ida S, Yamamura Y, Yoshimura N, Takeuchi M, Nakayama M, Okuyama H, Oue T, Kawahara H, Okada A (2005)
Pediatr Surg Int
21 :850