Title : Pontine cholinergic mechanisms modulate the cortical electroencephalographic spindles of halothane anesthesia - Keifer_1996_Anesthesiology_84_945 |
Author(s) : Keifer JC , Baghdoyan HA , Lydic R |
Ref : Anesthesiology , 84 :945 , 1996 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Halothane anesthesia causes spindles in the electroencephalogram (EEG), but the cellular and molecular mechanisms generating these spindles remain incompletely understood. The current study tested the hypothesis that halothane-induced EEG spindles are regulated, in part, by pontine cholinergic mechanisms. |
PubMedSearch : Keifer_1996_Anesthesiology_84_945 |
PubMedID: 8638850 |
Keifer JC, Baghdoyan HA, Lydic R (1996)
Pontine cholinergic mechanisms modulate the cortical electroencephalographic spindles of halothane anesthesia
84 :945
Keifer JC, Baghdoyan HA, Lydic R (1996)
84 :945