Title : Adverse effects of pesticides residues on biochemical markers in pakistani tobacco farmers - Khan_2008_Int.J.Clin.Exp.Med_1_274 |
Author(s) : Khan DA , Bhatti MM , Khan FA , Naqvi ST , Karam A |
Ref : Int J Clin Exp Med , 1 :274 , 2008 |
Abstract :
Tobacco is an important cash crop of Pakistan and tremendous amount of irrational pesticides are being used to control insect growth. The frequency of plasma pesticide residues above acceptable daily intake (ADI) and its correlation with biochemical markers for assessment of adverse health effects in the tobacco farmers at district Sawabi, Pakistan was determined. Total 109 adult males consisting of 55 tobacco farmers exposed to pesticides and 54 controls were included. Pesticides residues in blood were analyzed on HPLC and GC-NPD. Plasma butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) was analyzed by Ellman's method. Biochemical markers including serum calcium, phosphorus, urea, creatinine, bilirubin and liver enzymes were measured on Selectra-E auto analyzer. The tobacco farmers had multiple pesticides residues above ADI in their blood consisting of 35 (63%) methomyl; 31 (56%) thiodicarb; 34(62%) cypermethrin; 27 (49%) Imidacloprid; 18 (32%) Methamidophos and 15 (27%) endosulfan. BChE activity was significantly decreased in the pesticides exposed farmers as compared to controls (P<0.001). Plasma biochemical markers including ALT, AST, CK, LDH and phosphate were significantly raised in the pesticides exposed farmers as compared to control group (P<0.001). Total pesticides residues revealed a significant positive correlation with AST (r=0.42), LDH(r= 0.47), ALT (r=0.20) and phosphorus (r=0.51). Excessive exposure to pesticide caused cytotoxic changes in the hepatic and renal biochemical markers which were positively correlated with pesticide residue. Hence these biomarkers might be used in addition to BChE activity for monitoring of adverse effects of pesticides on the health of farm workers. |
PubMedSearch : Khan_2008_Int.J.Clin.Exp.Med_1_274 |
PubMedID: 19079663 |
Khan DA, Bhatti MM, Khan FA, Naqvi ST, Karam A (2008)
Adverse effects of pesticides residues on biochemical markers in pakistani tobacco farmers
Int J Clin Exp Med
1 :274
Khan DA, Bhatti MM, Khan FA, Naqvi ST, Karam A (2008)
Int J Clin Exp Med
1 :274