

Title : Genome sequence of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2, a Gram-positive anaerobe capable of dehalogenation and metal reduction - Kim_2012_BMC.Microbiol_12_21
Author(s) : Kim SH , Harzman C , Davis JK , Hutcheson R , Broderick JB , Marsh TL , Tiedje JM
Ref : BMC Microbiol , 12 :21 , 2012
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: The genome of the Gram-positive, metal-reducing, dehalorespiring Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2 was sequenced in order to gain insights into its metabolic capacities, adaptive physiology, and regulatory machineries, and to compare with that of Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y51, the phylogenetically closest strain among the species with a sequenced genome.
RESULTS: The genome of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2 is composed of a 5,279,134-bp circular chromosome with 5,042 predicted genes. Genome content and parallel physiological studies support the cell's ability to fix N2 and CO2, form spores and biofilms, reduce metals, and use a variety of electron acceptors in respiration, including halogenated organic compounds. The genome contained seven reductive dehalogenase genes and four nitrogenase gene homologs but lacked the Nar respiratory nitrate reductase system. The D. hafniense DCB-2 genome contained genes for 43 RNA polymerase sigma factors including 27 sigma-24 subunits, 59 two-component signal transduction systems, and about 730 transporter proteins. In addition, it contained genes for 53 molybdopterin-binding oxidoreductases, 19 flavoprotein paralogs of the fumarate reductase, and many other FAD/FMN-binding oxidoreductases, proving the cell's versatility in both adaptive and reductive capacities. Together with the ability to form spores, the presence of the CO2-fixing Wood-Ljungdahl pathway and the genes associated with oxygen tolerance add flexibility to the cell's options for survival under stress.
CONCLUSIONS: D. hafniense DCB-2's genome contains genes consistent with its abilities for dehalogenation, metal reduction, N2 and CO2 fixation, anaerobic respiration, oxygen tolerance, spore formation, and biofilm formation which make this organism a potential candidate for bioremediation at contaminated sites.

PubMedSearch : Kim_2012_BMC.Microbiol_12_21
PubMedID: 22316246
Gene_locus related to this paper: deshd-b8fsw0 , desha-q41xw6

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Citations formats

Kim SH, Harzman C, Davis JK, Hutcheson R, Broderick JB, Marsh TL, Tiedje JM (2012)
Genome sequence of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2, a Gram-positive anaerobe capable of dehalogenation and metal reduction
BMC Microbiol 12 :21

Kim SH, Harzman C, Davis JK, Hutcheson R, Broderick JB, Marsh TL, Tiedje JM (2012)
BMC Microbiol 12 :21