

Title : Efficacy of oxime plus atropine treatment against soman poisoning in the atropinesterase-free rabbit - Koplovitz_1992_Drug.Chem.Toxicol_15_117
Author(s) : Koplovitz I , Stewart JR
Ref : Drug & Chemical Toxicology , 15 :117 , 1992
Abstract :

The oximes pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM), MMB4, and HI-6 were evaluated in combination with atropine as treatments against soman poisoning in atropinesterase-free rabbits. Animals were challenged i.m. with 2 x LD50 soman and treated at the onset of toxic signs with 50 mumols/kg of oxime and 5 or 13 mg/kg atropine. Survival and time to death were compared at 48 hours post-soman challenge. Survival rates in MMB4 and HI-6 treated animals were higher than in 2-PAM-treated animals. The increase in survival was significant at the 13 mg/kg dose of atropine. MMB4 and HI-6 also significantly delayed time to death after soman compared to 2-PAM. The results suggest that MMB4 and HI-6 have potential as useful oximes for treating soman poisoning.

PubMedSearch : Koplovitz_1992_Drug.Chem.Toxicol_15_117
PubMedID: 1597126

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Koplovitz I, Stewart JR (1992)
Efficacy of oxime plus atropine treatment against soman poisoning in the atropinesterase-free rabbit
Drug & Chemical Toxicology 15 :117

Koplovitz I, Stewart JR (1992)
Drug & Chemical Toxicology 15 :117