Title : Atypical Cholinesterase and Prolonged Apnea During Electroconvulsive Therapy - Kramer_1991_Convuls.Ther_7_129 |
Author(s) : Kramer BA , Afrasiabi A |
Ref : Convuls Ther , 7 :129 , 1991 |
Abstract :
A 62-year-old man developed prolonged apnea during ECT with succinylcholine. He was found to have atypical cholinesterase. Subsequent ECTs were given using atracurium as the muscle relaxant. A review of the finding of atypical cholinesterase is presented along with a discussion of the use of atracurium. |
PubMedSearch : Kramer_1991_Convuls.Ther_7_129 |
PubMedID: 11941113 |
Kramer BA, Afrasiabi A (1991)
Atypical Cholinesterase and Prolonged Apnea During Electroconvulsive Therapy
Convuls Ther
7 :129
Kramer BA, Afrasiabi A (1991)
Convuls Ther
7 :129