

Title : Microbial engineering strategies for synthetic microplastics clean up: A review on recent approaches - Kumar_2023_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol_98_104045
Author(s) : Kumar V , Sharma N , Duhan L , Pasrija R , Thomas J , Umesh M , Lakkaboyana SK , Andler R , Vangnai AS , Vithanage M , Awasthi MK , Chia WY , LokeShow P , Barcelo D
Ref : Environ Toxicol Pharmacol , 98 :104045 , 2023
Abstract :

Microplastics are the small fragments of the plastic molecules which find their applications in various routine products such as beauty products. Later, it was realized that it has several toxic effects on marine and terrestrial organisms. This review is an approach in understanding the microplastics, their origin, dispersal in the aquatic system, their biodegradation and factors affecting biodegradation. In addition, the paper discusses the major engineering approaches applied in microbial biotechnology. Specifically, it reviews microbial genetic engineering, such as PET-ase engineering, MHET-ase engineering, and immobilization approaches. Moreover, the major challenges associated with the plastic removal are presented by evaluating the recent reports available.

PubMedSearch : Kumar_2023_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol_98_104045
PubMedID: 36572198

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Kumar V, Sharma N, Duhan L, Pasrija R, Thomas J, Umesh M, Lakkaboyana SK, Andler R, Vangnai AS, Vithanage M, Awasthi MK, Chia WY, LokeShow P, Barcelo D (2023)
Microbial engineering strategies for synthetic microplastics clean up: A review on recent approaches
Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 98 :104045

Kumar V, Sharma N, Duhan L, Pasrija R, Thomas J, Umesh M, Lakkaboyana SK, Andler R, Vangnai AS, Vithanage M, Awasthi MK, Chia WY, LokeShow P, Barcelo D (2023)
Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 98 :104045