

Title : [Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium on the human blood cholinesterases activity] - Kuznetsova_2011_Ukr.Biokhim.Zh.(1999)_83_29
Author(s) : Kuznetsova LP , Samokish VA , Sochilina EE
Ref : Ukr Biokhim Zh (1999) , 83 :29 , 2011
Abstract :

The influence of cationic detergent cetyltrimethylammonium on the human blood cholinesterases activity (erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase and plasma butyrylcholinesterase) in reactions of hydrolysis of alpha-thionaphthylacetat and acetylthiocholine is studied. It is shown, that cetyltrimethylammonium is reversible effector for both cholinesterases. This compound competitively inhibited enzymatic hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine by both cholinesterases, and in the reactions of enzymatic hydrolysis alpha-thionaphthylacetat display as the synergistic activator--in experiments with butyrylcholinesterase, and as the reversible inhibitor--in experiments with acetylcholinesterase. Kinetic constants in reaction of acetylcholinesterase inhibition by cetyltrimethylammonium defined by means of different substrates--alpha-thionaphthylacetat and acetylthiocholin. They are close among themselves and amount (2.5 +/- 0.3) x 10(-5) and (2.8 +/- 0.3) x 10(-5) M, accordingly. Butyrylcholinesterase was more sensitive to influence of cetyltrimethylammonium. The kinetic constants defined for this enzyme by the effect of inhibition of acetylthiocholin hydrolysis or activation of alpha-thionaphthylatcetat hydrolysis, are also close among themselves and amount (3.9 +/- 0.4) x 10(-6) and (4.4 +/- 0.4) x 10(-6) M, accordingly.

PubMedSearch : Kuznetsova_2011_Ukr.Biokhim.Zh.(1999)_83_29
PubMedID: 21851044

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Kuznetsova LP, Samokish VA, Sochilina EE (2011)
[Effect of cetyltrimethylammonium on the human blood cholinesterases activity]
Ukr Biokhim Zh (1999) 83 :29

Kuznetsova LP, Samokish VA, Sochilina EE (2011)
Ukr Biokhim Zh (1999) 83 :29