

Title : Acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting steroidal alkaloid from the sponge Corticium sp - Langjae_2007_Steroids_72_682
Author(s) : Langjae R , Bussarawit S , Yuenyongsawad S , Ingkaninan K , Plubrukarn A
Ref : Steroids , 72 :682 , 2007
Abstract :

A new stigmastane-type steroidal alkaloid, 4-acetoxy-plakinamine B (1), was isolated from the Thai sponge Corticium sp. The compound was subjected to the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity determination to reveal a high inhibitory activity (IC(50) 3.75+/-1.69 microM). The kinetics of enzyme inhibition showed a decrease in V(max), whereas K(m) was increased, thus suggesting an unusual mixed-competitive mode of inhibition. Compound 1 is the first steroidal alkaloid bearing a stigmastane skeleton ever been reported to exhibit such good potency in the acetylcholinesterase inhibition bioassay.

PubMedSearch : Langjae_2007_Steroids_72_682
PubMedID: 17610922

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Langjae R, Bussarawit S, Yuenyongsawad S, Ingkaninan K, Plubrukarn A (2007)
Acetylcholinesterase-inhibiting steroidal alkaloid from the sponge Corticium sp
Steroids 72 :682

Langjae R, Bussarawit S, Yuenyongsawad S, Ingkaninan K, Plubrukarn A (2007)
Steroids 72 :682