

Title : Intraindividual stability of human erythrocyte cholinesterase activity - Lefkowitz_2007_Clin.Chem_53_1358
Author(s) : Lefkowitz LJ , Kupina JM , Hirth NL , Henry RM , Noland GY , Barbee JY, Jr. , Zhou JY , Weese CB
Ref : Clinical Chemistry , 53 :1358 , 2007
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Erythrocyte cholinesterase (RBC-ChE) activities serve as useful and sensitive biomarkers to monitor exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting substances, such as chemical warfare nerve agents and pesticides. Although the interindividual variation of RBC-ChE is well characterized, the magnitude of intraindividual variation for RBC-ChE remains controversial. An accurate measure of intraindividual variation is critical for establishing the appropriate frequency of RBC-ChE testing. METHODS: We retrospectively tracked the intraindividual variation of RBC-ChE activities among 46 male nerve agent workers from a single US Army depot that participated in a medical surveillance program requiring periodic RBC-ChE monitoring. All RBC-ChE analysis was performed by the same medical laboratory technician by the delta pH method. RESULTS: A mean of 38 and a median of 37 RBC-ChE measurements were available for each worker. The mean duration of employment for these workers was 20 years (median, 21 years). The mean CV for RBC-ChE in this set of 46 workers was 3.9%. Linear regression analysis of the data for each worker resulted in a mean slope of 0.0010 delta pH units/h per year. CONCLUSIONS: RBC-ChE activities increased in each person by a mean of 0.01 delta pH units/h every 10 years, which is a negligible rate. These findings highlight the stability of RBC-ChE activities over time in a given individual and may have important policy implications regarding the appropriate frequency of RBC-ChE testing.

PubMedSearch : Lefkowitz_2007_Clin.Chem_53_1358
PubMedID: 17495017

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Lefkowitz LJ, Kupina JM, Hirth NL, Henry RM, Noland GY, Barbee JY, Jr., Zhou JY, Weese CB (2007)
Intraindividual stability of human erythrocyte cholinesterase activity
Clinical Chemistry 53 :1358

Lefkowitz LJ, Kupina JM, Hirth NL, Henry RM, Noland GY, Barbee JY, Jr., Zhou JY, Weese CB (2007)
Clinical Chemistry 53 :1358