

Title : The Yt blood group system (ISBT No. 011). Genetic studies - Lewis_1987_Vox.Sang_53_52
Author(s) : Lewis M , Kaita H , Philipps S , McAlpine PJ , Wong P , Giblett ER , Anderson J
Ref : Vox Sang , 53 :52 , 1987
Abstract :

Allele frequencies of Yta (YT1) and Ytb (YT2) in a series of 659 random Canadian Caucasians are comparable to those in European populations: 0.9469 and 0.0531, respectively. Inheritance of Yt phenotypes in 1,077 children in 286 selected families are in accordance with expectation on the basis of Mendelian codominance. Linkage studies exclude YT from chromosomal segments 1p36-1p22.1, 4q13-4q28, the section of chromosome 9 bounded by AB0 and AK1 and from the chromosome 19 linkage group bounded by LE and SE. Evidence is presented for a possible location of YT on the short arm of chromosome 6 distal to F13A.

PubMedSearch : Lewis_1987_Vox.Sang_53_52
PubMedID: 3477904

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Citations formats

Lewis M, Kaita H, Philipps S, McAlpine PJ, Wong P, Giblett ER, Anderson J (1987)
The Yt blood group system (ISBT No. 011). Genetic studies
Vox Sang 53 :52

Lewis M, Kaita H, Philipps S, McAlpine PJ, Wong P, Giblett ER, Anderson J (1987)
Vox Sang 53 :52