

Title : Novel Isochroman Dimers from Stachybotrys sp. PH30583: Fermentation, Isolation, Structural Elucidation and Biological Activities - Li_2017_Planta.Med_83_654
Author(s) : Li W , Yang YB , Yang XQ , Xie HD , Shao ZH , Zhou H , Miao CP , Zhao LX , Ding ZT
Ref : Planta Med , 83 :654 , 2017
Abstract :

The rare anishidiol and five new isochromans, including three novel dimers with unprecedented skeletons, were isolated from Stachybotrys sp. PH30583. Their structures were determined by spectral analyses. The bioactivities of these compounds were also investigated. The dimers (6-10) inhibited acetylcholinesterase at 50 microM, but the monomers did not. To investigate the biogenesis of the novel dimers, a time-course investigation of metabolite production was undertaken.

PubMedSearch : Li_2017_Planta.Med_83_654
PubMedID: 27806408

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Li W, Yang YB, Yang XQ, Xie HD, Shao ZH, Zhou H, Miao CP, Zhao LX, Ding ZT (2017)
Novel Isochroman Dimers from Stachybotrys sp. PH30583: Fermentation, Isolation, Structural Elucidation and Biological Activities
Planta Med 83 :654

Li W, Yang YB, Yang XQ, Xie HD, Shao ZH, Zhou H, Miao CP, Zhao LX, Ding ZT (2017)
Planta Med 83 :654