

Title : Fluoride reactivation-enabled sensitive quantification of tabun adducts on human serum albumin by GC-MS\/MS via isotope dilution - Li_2019_Bioanalysis_11_2145
Author(s) : Li XS , Wu JN , Yan L , Xing ZF , Liu CC , Chen B , Yuan L , Yang Y
Ref : Bioanalysis , 11 :2145 , 2019
Abstract :

Organophosphorus nerve agents inhibit the cholinesterase activity by phosphylation of the active site serine. The resulting phosphylated cholinesterase and adducts on human serum albumin (HSA) are appropriate biomarkers for nerve agents exposure. Several methods have been developed for the detection of nerve agents, including fluoride reactivation or alkaline cleavage. It was previously thought that some nerve agents adducts to HSA could not be detected via fluoride regeneration. In our study, the results showed that tabun (GA) adducts of HSA could be detected by fluoride regeneration. The sample preparation included acetone precipitation, washing and SPE. Deuterated tabun (d5-GA) was applied as the internal standard. The product of regenerated fluorotabun is detected with a good linearity (R(2) > 0.997) in the concentration range from 0.02 to 100.0 ng/ml, small relative standard deviation (

PubMedSearch : Li_2019_Bioanalysis_11_2145
PubMedID: 31729243

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Li XS, Wu JN, Yan L, Xing ZF, Liu CC, Chen B, Yuan L, Yang Y (2019)
Fluoride reactivation-enabled sensitive quantification of tabun adducts on human serum albumin by GC-MS\/MS via isotope dilution
Bioanalysis 11 :2145

Li XS, Wu JN, Yan L, Xing ZF, Liu CC, Chen B, Yuan L, Yang Y (2019)
Bioanalysis 11 :2145