Title : Ectopic and increased expression of Fasciclin II alters motoneuron growth cone guidance - Lin_1994_Neuron_13_507 |
Author(s) : Lin DM , Goodman CS |
Ref : Neuron , 13 :507 , 1994 |
Abstract :
We used the enhancer detection/GAL4 system in Drosophila to direct increased levels of Fasciclin II (Fas II) expression on motoneuron growth cones and axons and to direct ectopic Fas II expression on other cells they encounter. Four classes of abnormal phenotypes are observed: "bypass" phenotypes, in which axons fail to defasciculate at the choice point where they would normally enter their muscle target region and instead extend past their target; "detour" phenotypes, in which these bypass growth cones enter their muscle target region at a different location; "stall" phenotypes, in which axons that enter their muscle target region fail to defasciculate from one another to probe their muscle targets; and "misroute" phenotypes, in which growth cones are diverted onto abnormal pathways by contact with Fas II-positive cells. These phenotypes show that changes in the pattern and level of Fas II expression can alter growth cone guidance, apparently in part by modulating the ability of these growth cones to respond to other guidance cues. |
PubMedSearch : Lin_1994_Neuron_13_507 |
PubMedID: 7917288 |
Lin DM, Goodman CS (1994)
Ectopic and increased expression of Fasciclin II alters motoneuron growth cone guidance
13 :507
Lin DM, Goodman CS (1994)
13 :507