

Title : Evaluation of effect of hybrid bioartificial liver using end-stage liver disease model - Liu_2004_World.J.Gastroenterol_10_1379
Author(s) : Liu Q , Duan ZP , Huang C , Zhao CH
Ref : World J Gastroenterol , 10 :1379 , 2004
Abstract :

AIM: To study the role of hybrid bioartificial liver (HBL) in clearing proinflammatory cytokines and endotoxin in patients with acute and sub-acute liver failure and the effects of HBL on systemic inflammatory syndrome (SIRS) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
METHODS: Five cases with severe liver failure (3 acute and 2 subacute) were treated with HBL. The clinical signs and symptoms, total bilirubin (TBIL), serum ammonia, endotoxin TNF-alpha, IL-6 and prothrombin activity (PTA),cholinesterase (CHE) were recorded before, during and after treatment. The end-stage liver disease (MELD) was used for the study.
RESULTS: Two patients were bridged for spontaneous recovery and 1 patient was bridged for OLT successfully. Another 2 patients died on d 8 and d 21. The spontaneous recovery rate was 30.0%. PTA and CHE in all patients were significantly increased (P<0.01), while the serum TBIL, endotoxin, TNF-alpha, IL-6 were decreased. MELD score (mean 43.6) predicted 100% deaths within 3 mo before treatment with HBL. After treatment with HBL, four out of 5 patients had decreased MELD scores (mean 36.6). The MELD score predicted 66% mortalities. CONCLUSION: The proinflammatory cytokines (TNFalpha, IL-6 and endotoxin)can be significantly removed by hybrid bioartificial liver and HBL appears to be effective in blocking SIRS and MODS in patients with acute and sub-acute liver failure. MELD is a reliable measure for predicting short-term mortality risk in patients with end-stage liver disease. The prognostic result also corresponds to clinical outcome.

PubMedSearch : Liu_2004_World.J.Gastroenterol_10_1379
PubMedID: 15112365

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Liu Q, Duan ZP, Huang C, Zhao CH (2004)
Evaluation of effect of hybrid bioartificial liver using end-stage liver disease model
World J Gastroenterol 10 :1379

Liu Q, Duan ZP, Huang C, Zhao CH (2004)
World J Gastroenterol 10 :1379