

Title : Biochemical toxicity of nano-anatase TiO2 particles in mice - Liu_2009_Biol.Trace.Elem.Res_129_170
Author(s) : Liu H , Ma L , Zhao J , Liu J , Yan J , Ruan J , Hong F
Ref : Biol Trace Elem Res , 129 :170 , 2009
Abstract :

Previous research on the biological and toxic effects of nano-TiO(2) particles on animals only limit to a single dose. However, the toxicity caused by single dose nano-TiO(2) does not truly represent ecological and health effects of nano-TiO(2) retained in the environment. In order to further evaluate the toxicity of nano-TiO(2) particles, nano-anatase TiO(2) (5 nm) was injected into the abdominal cavity of ICR mice everyday for 14 days and the coefficients of organs and serum biochemical parameters were investigated. The results showed that, with increasing doses of nano-anatase TiO(2), the coefficients of liver, kidney, and spleen increased gradually, while the coefficients of lung and brain decreased gradually, and the coefficient of heart had little change. The order of the titanium accumulation in the organs was liver > kidneys > spleen > lung > brain > heart. The serum biochemical parameters with lower dose of nano-anatase TiO(2) showed little difference compared with the control mice, while with higher dose of nano-anatase TiO(2), the indicators of liver function, such as alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, leucine acid peptide, pseudocholinesterase, total protein, and albumin level, were enhanced significantly; the indicators of kidney function, such as uric acid and blood urea nitrogen, were decreased; the activities of aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase, indicator of the myocardium function, were increased. The contents of triglycerides, glucose, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were significantly elevated. Taken together, nano-anatase TiO(2) in higher dose caused serious damage to the liver, kidney, and myocardium of mice and disturbed the balance of blood sugar and lipid in mice. The accumulation of titanium in the organs might be closely related to the coefficients of organs and the inflammatory responses of mice.

PubMedSearch : Liu_2009_Biol.Trace.Elem.Res_129_170
PubMedID: 19066734

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Liu H, Ma L, Zhao J, Liu J, Yan J, Ruan J, Hong F (2009)
Biochemical toxicity of nano-anatase TiO2 particles in mice
Biol Trace Elem Res 129 :170

Liu H, Ma L, Zhao J, Liu J, Yan J, Ruan J, Hong F (2009)
Biol Trace Elem Res 129 :170