

Title : Comparative study on short- and long-term behavioral consequences of organophosphate exposure: Relationship to AChE mRNA expression - Lopez-Granero_2013_Neurotoxicol_40C_57
Author(s) : Lopez-Granero C , Cardona D , Gimenez E , Lozano R , Barril J , Aschner M , Sanchez-Santed F , Canadas F
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 40C :57 , 2013
Abstract :

Organophosphates (OPs) affect behavior by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE). While the cognitive short-term effects may be directly attributed to this inhibition, the mechanisms that underlie OP's long-term cognitive effects remain controversial and poorly understood. Accordingly, two experiments were designed to assess the effects of OPs on cognition, and to ascertain whether both the short- and long-term effects of are AChE-dependent. A single subcutaneous dose of 250mg/kg chlorpyrifos (CPF), 1.5mg/kg diisopropylphosphorofluoridate (DFP) or 15mg/kg parathion (PTN) was administered to male Wistar rats. Spatial learning was evaluated 72h or 23 weeks after exposure, and impulsive choice was tested at 10 and 30 weeks following OPs administration (experiment 1 and 2, respectively). Brain soluble and membrane-bound AChE activity, synaptic AChE-S mRNA, read-through AChE-R mRNA and brain acylpeptide hydrolase (APH) activity (as alternative non-cholinergic target) were analyzed upon completion of the behavioral testing (17 and 37 weeks after OPs exposure). Both short- and long-term CPF treatment caused statistically significant effects on spatial learning, while PTN treatment led only to statistically significant short-term effects. Neither CPF, DFP nor PTN affected the long-term impulsivity response. Long-term exposure to CPF and DFP significantly decreased AChE-S and AChE-R mRNA, while in the PTN treated group only AChE-S mRNA levels were decreased. However, after long-term OP exposure, soluble and membrane-bound AChE activity was indistinguishable from controls. Finally, no changes were noted in brain APH activity in response to OP treatment. Taken together, this study demonstrates long-term effects of OPs on AChE-S and AChE-R mRNA in the absence of changes in AChE soluble and membrane-bound activity. Thus, changes in AChE mRNA expression imply non-catalytic properties of the AChE enzyme.

PubMedSearch : Lopez-Granero_2013_Neurotoxicol_40C_57
PubMedID: 24291005

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Lopez-Granero C, Cardona D, Gimenez E, Lozano R, Barril J, Aschner M, Sanchez-Santed F, Canadas F (2013)
Comparative study on short- and long-term behavioral consequences of organophosphate exposure: Relationship to AChE mRNA expression
Neurotoxicology 40C :57

Lopez-Granero C, Cardona D, Gimenez E, Lozano R, Barril J, Aschner M, Sanchez-Santed F, Canadas F (2013)
Neurotoxicology 40C :57