Title : Huperzine A, but not tacrine, stimulates S100B secretion in astrocyte cultures - Lunardi_2013_Life.Sci_92_701 |
Author(s) : Lunardi P , Nardin P , Guerra MC , Abib R , Leite MC , Goncalves CA |
Ref : Life Sciences , 92 :701 , 2013 |
Abstract :
AIMS: The loss of cholinergic function in the central nervous system contributes significantly to the cognitive decline associated with advanced age and dementias. Huperzine A (HupA) is a selective inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and has been shown to significantly reduce cognitive impairment in animal models of dementia. Based on the importance of astrocytes in physiological and pathological brain activities, we investigated the effect of HupA and tacrine on S100B secretion in primary astrocyte cultures. S100B is an astrocyte-derived protein that has been proposed to be a marker of brain injury. MAIN |
PubMedSearch : Lunardi_2013_Life.Sci_92_701 |
PubMedID: 23399701 |
Lunardi P, Nardin P, Guerra MC, Abib R, Leite MC, Goncalves CA (2013)
Huperzine A, but not tacrine, stimulates S100B secretion in astrocyte cultures
Life Sciences
92 :701
Lunardi P, Nardin P, Guerra MC, Abib R, Leite MC, Goncalves CA (2013)
Life Sciences
92 :701