

Title : Mechanisms of resistance to malathion in the medfly Ceratitis capitata - Magana_2008_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_38_756
Author(s) : Magana C , Hernandez-Crespo P , Brun-Barale A , Couso-Ferrer F , Bride JM , Castanera P , Feyereisen R , Ortego F
Ref : Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 38 :756 , 2008
Abstract :

Target site insensitivity and metabolic resistance mediated by esterases have been previously suggested to be involved in resistance to malathion in a field-derived strain (W) of Ceratitis capitata. In the present study, we have obtained the coding sequence for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gene (Ccace) of C. capitata. An allele of Ccace carrying only a point mutation Gly328Ala (Torpedo numbering) adjacent to the glutamate of the catalytic triad was found in individuals of the W strain. Adult flies homozygotes for this mutant allele showed reduced AChE activity and less sensitivity to inhibition by malaoxon, showing that target site insensitivity is one of the factors of malathion resistance. In addition, all individuals from the resistant W strain showed reduced aliesterase activity, which has been associated with specific malathion resistance in higher Diptera. However, the alphaE7 gene (CcalphaE7), sequenced in susceptible and resistant individuals, did not carry any of the mutations associated with organophosphorus insecticide resistance in other Diptera. Another esterase mechanism, perhaps a carboxylesterase selective for malathion, in addition to mutant AChE, thus contributes to malathion resistance in C. capitata.

PubMedSearch : Magana_2008_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_38_756
PubMedID: 18625398
Gene_locus related to this paper: cerca-ACHE , cerca-b7sb38

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Citations formats

Magana C, Hernandez-Crespo P, Brun-Barale A, Couso-Ferrer F, Bride JM, Castanera P, Feyereisen R, Ortego F (2008)
Mechanisms of resistance to malathion in the medfly Ceratitis capitata
Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 38 :756

Magana C, Hernandez-Crespo P, Brun-Barale A, Couso-Ferrer F, Bride JM, Castanera P, Feyereisen R, Ortego F (2008)
Insect Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 38 :756