

Title : Tachykinin antagonists inhibit nerve-mediated contractions in the circular muscle of the human ileum. Involvement of neurokinin-2 receptors - Maggi_1992_Gastroenterology_102_88
Author(s) : Maggi CA , Giuliani S , Patacchini R , Santicioli P , Theodorsson E , Barbanti G , Turini D , Giachetti A
Ref : Gastroenterology , 102 :88 , 1992
Abstract :

The effects of some newly developed tachykinin antagonists that are selective for the neurokinin (NK)-1 (L 668,169) or the NK-2 (MEN 10,207, L 659,877 and R 396) tachykinin receptor on the cholinergic and noncholinergic contraction and on the nonadrenergic noncholinergic relaxation produced by electrical field stimulation (50 Hz) were investigated in mucosa-free circular strips of the human ileum. The strips were contracted by substance P and neurokinin A as well as by selective NK-2-receptor ligands, [beta Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10), and MDL 28,564, the latter peptide being capable of discriminating between NK-2-receptor subtypes. The selectivity of the antagonists for NK-1 or NK-2 receptors was confirmed in pharmacological experiments using substance P, neurokinin A, and [beta Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10) as stimulants. Among the NK-2-selective antagonists, MEN 10,207 displayed the highest affinity, followed by L 659,877 and R 396. The antagonists MEN 10,207 and L 659,877 inhibited the noncholinergic contraction to electrical stimulation in a concentration-dependent manner; L 668,169 and R 396 were poorly effective. Thus the potency of antagonists toward the noncholinergic response closely paralleled their rank order of potency at NK-2 receptors. The cholinergic contraction and nonadrenergic noncholinergic relaxation were not inhibited by the antagonists. Both substance P- and neurokinin A-like immunoreactivities were detected in extracts of the human ileum, and the identity of the corresponding peptides was confirmed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. It was concluded that in addition to NK-1 receptors, the circular muscle of the human ileum also contains NK-2 receptors. Activation of the latter is chiefly responsible for the noncholinergic contraction to nerve stimulation.

PubMedSearch : Maggi_1992_Gastroenterology_102_88
PubMedID: 1370160

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Maggi CA, Giuliani S, Patacchini R, Santicioli P, Theodorsson E, Barbanti G, Turini D, Giachetti A (1992)
Tachykinin antagonists inhibit nerve-mediated contractions in the circular muscle of the human ileum. Involvement of neurokinin-2 receptors
Gastroenterology 102 :88

Maggi CA, Giuliani S, Patacchini R, Santicioli P, Theodorsson E, Barbanti G, Turini D, Giachetti A (1992)
Gastroenterology 102 :88