

Title : Genotoxicity biomarkers and acetylcholinesterase activity in natural populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis along a pollution gradient in the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, western Mediterranean) - Magni_2006_Environ.Pollut_142_65
Author(s) : Magni P , De Falco G , Falugi C , Franzoni M , Monteverde M , Perrone E , Sgro M , Bolognesi C
Ref : Environ Pollut , 142 :65 , 2006
Abstract :

A year-round biomonitoring study on blue mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) was carried out in 4 selected sites along the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, Italy): a commercial port (Port), the outlet of the S'Ena Arrubia and Marceddi lagoons (in the catchment area of intensive agricultural and diary activities, and abandoned mining), and a reference site (North). Heavy metal concentrations in sediments from Marceddi were 2-3 to 10-20 times higher in Pb, Cd and Zn, respectively, than those found at North and S'Ena Arrubia. Higher values (P<0.05) of micronuclei frequency were detected in mussels from Marceddi and Port compared to those detected in mussels from North and S'Ena Arrubia. DNA damage in animals from North was significantly lower than that at the other sites. Results of acetylcholinesterase inhibition consistently showed the strongest effects in mussels from Port and Marceddi. Our results suggest that these biomarkers can be used in coastal marine biomonitoring as early signals of exposure and adverse effects along a pollution gradient.

PubMedSearch : Magni_2006_Environ.Pollut_142_65
PubMedID: 16289776

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Magni P, De Falco G, Falugi C, Franzoni M, Monteverde M, Perrone E, Sgro M, Bolognesi C (2006)
Genotoxicity biomarkers and acetylcholinesterase activity in natural populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis along a pollution gradient in the Gulf of Oristano (Sardinia, western Mediterranean)
Environ Pollut 142 :65

Magni P, De Falco G, Falugi C, Franzoni M, Monteverde M, Perrone E, Sgro M, Bolognesi C (2006)
Environ Pollut 142 :65