

Title : Galantamine counteracts development of learning impairment in guinea pigs exposed to the organophosphorus poison soman: clinical significance - Mamczarz_2011_Neurotoxicol_32_785
Author(s) : Mamczarz J , Kulkarni GS , Pereira EF , Albuquerque EX
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 32 :785 , 2011
Abstract :

Galantamine, a drug used to treat Alzheimer's disease, protects guinea pigs against the acute toxicity and lethality of organophosphorus (OP) compounds, including soman. Here, we tested the hypothesis that a single exposure of guinea pigs to 1xLD50 soman triggers cognitive impairments that can be counteracted by galantamine. Thus, animals were injected intramuscularly with saline (0.5 ml/kg) or galantamine (8 mg/kg) and 30 min later injected subcutaneously with soman (26.3 mug/kg) or saline. Cognitive performance was analyzed in the Morris water maze (MWM) four days or three months after the soman challenge. Fifty percent of the saline-injected animals that were challenged with soman survived with mild-to-moderate signs of acute toxicity that subsided within a few hours. These animals showed no learning impairment and no memory retention deficit, when training in the MWM started four days post-soman challenge. In contrast, animals presented significant learning impairment when testing started three months post-challenge. Though the magnitude of the impairment correlated with the severity of the acute toxicity, animals that presented no or only mild signs of toxicity were also learning impaired. All guinea pigs that were treated with galantamine survived the soman challenge with no signs of acute toxicity and learned the MWM task as control animals, regardless of when testing began. Galantamine also prevented memory extinction in both saline- and soman-challenged animals. In conclusion, learning impairment develops months after a single exposure to 1xLD50 soman, and galantamine prevents both the acute toxicity and the delayed cognitive deficits triggered by this OP poison.

PubMedSearch : Mamczarz_2011_Neurotoxicol_32_785
PubMedID: 21784098

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Mamczarz J, Kulkarni GS, Pereira EF, Albuquerque EX (2011)
Galantamine counteracts development of learning impairment in guinea pigs exposed to the organophosphorus poison soman: clinical significance
Neurotoxicology 32 :785

Mamczarz J, Kulkarni GS, Pereira EF, Albuquerque EX (2011)
Neurotoxicology 32 :785