

Title : A structurally unique Fusobacterium nucleatum tannase provides detoxicant activity against gallotannins and pathogen resistance - Mancheno_2022_Microb.Biotechnol_15_648
Author(s) : Mancheno JM , Atondo E , Tomas-Cortazar J , Luis Lavin J , Plaza-Vinuesa L , Martin-Ruiz I , Barriales D , Palacios A , Daniel Navo C , Sampedro L , Pena-Cearra A , Angel Pascual-Itoiz M , Castelo J , Carreras-Gonzalez A , Castellana D , Pellon A , Delgado S , Ruas-Madiedo P , de Las Rivas B , Abecia L , Munoz R , Jimenez-Oses G , Anguita J , Rodriguez H
Ref : Microb Biotechnol , 15 :648 , 2022
Abstract :

Colorectal cancer pathogenesis and progression is associated with the presence of Fusobacterium nucleatum and the reduction of acetylated derivatives of spermidine, as well as dietary components such as tannin-rich foods. We show that a new tannase orthologue of F. nucleatum (TanBF(nn) ) has significant structural differences with its Lactobacillus plantarum counterpart affecting the flap covering the active site and the accessibility of substrates. Crystallographic and molecular dynamics analysis revealed binding of polyamines to a small cavity that connects the active site with the bulk solvent which interact with catalytically indispensable residues. As a result, spermidine and its derivatives, particularly N(8) -acetylated spermidine, inhibit the hydrolytic activity of TanBF(nn) and increase the toxicity of gallotannins to F. nucleatum. Our results support a model in which the balance between the detoxicant activity of TanBF(nn) and the presence of metabolic inhibitors can dictate either conducive or unfavourable conditions for the survival of F. nucleatum.

PubMedSearch : Mancheno_2022_Microb.Biotechnol_15_648
PubMedID: 33336898
Gene_locus related to this paper: fusnn-FN0616

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Citations formats

Mancheno JM, Atondo E, Tomas-Cortazar J, Luis Lavin J, Plaza-Vinuesa L, Martin-Ruiz I, Barriales D, Palacios A, Daniel Navo C, Sampedro L, Pena-Cearra A, Angel Pascual-Itoiz M, Castelo J, Carreras-Gonzalez A, Castellana D, Pellon A, Delgado S, Ruas-Madiedo P, de Las Rivas B, Abecia L, Munoz R, Jimenez-Oses G, Anguita J, Rodriguez H (2022)
A structurally unique Fusobacterium nucleatum tannase provides detoxicant activity against gallotannins and pathogen resistance
Microb Biotechnol 15 :648

Mancheno JM, Atondo E, Tomas-Cortazar J, Luis Lavin J, Plaza-Vinuesa L, Martin-Ruiz I, Barriales D, Palacios A, Daniel Navo C, Sampedro L, Pena-Cearra A, Angel Pascual-Itoiz M, Castelo J, Carreras-Gonzalez A, Castellana D, Pellon A, Delgado S, Ruas-Madiedo P, de Las Rivas B, Abecia L, Munoz R, Jimenez-Oses G, Anguita J, Rodriguez H (2022)
Microb Biotechnol 15 :648