

Title : Uptake of ethanolamine in neuronal and glial cell cultures - Massarelli_1986_Neurochem.Res_11_29
Author(s) : Massarelli AC , Dainous F , Hoffmann D , Mykita S , Freysz L , Dreyfus H , Massarelli R
Ref : Neurochem Res , 11 :29 , 1986
Abstract :

The uptake of radioactive ethanolamine has been studied in exclusively neuronal and glial cell cultures from dissociated cerebral hemispheres of chick embryos. Both cell types show saturable kinetics; neurons have an apparent Km of 6.7 microM, Vmax 41.4 pmol mg prot.-1 min-1 and glial cells a Km of 119.6 microM, Vmax 3,917 pmol mg prot-1 min-1. The lower affinity of the transport and the 100 fold increase in Vmax observed in glial cells correlated with a more important accumulation of free ethanolamine found in glial cells and with a higher degree of phosphorylation of ethanolamine. The uptake appeared to be temperature and Na+ ions dependent but was not affected by CN- or ouabain. Monomethyl-, dimethylethanolamine and choline were effective in inhibiting the uptake. Little or no effect was observed with serine, methionine, carnitine, alanine or glutamate.

PubMedSearch : Massarelli_1986_Neurochem.Res_11_29
PubMedID: 3960270

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Massarelli AC, Dainous F, Hoffmann D, Mykita S, Freysz L, Dreyfus H, Massarelli R (1986)
Uptake of ethanolamine in neuronal and glial cell cultures
Neurochem Res 11 :29

Massarelli AC, Dainous F, Hoffmann D, Mykita S, Freysz L, Dreyfus H, Massarelli R (1986)
Neurochem Res 11 :29