

Title : Cloning, characterization, and use in strain improvement of the Cephalosporium acremonium gene cefG encoding acetyl transferase - Mathison_1993_Curr.Genet_23_33
Author(s) : Mathison L , Soliday C , Stepan T , Aldrich T , Rambosek J
Ref : Curr Genet , 23 :33 , 1993
Abstract :

A long open reading frame (ORF) closely linked to the Cephalosporium acremonium gene cefEF was identified by DNA sequencing. The cefEF gene encodes the enzyme involved in cephalosporin C (CPC) biosynthesis known as expandase/hydroxylase. Complementation of a C. acremonium cefG mutant, as well as expression of the gene in Aspergillus niger, showed this ORF to be the cefG gene, encoding cephalosporin C acetyltransferase, which catalyzes the last step in CPC biosynthesis. Analysis of transformants containing additional copies of this gene showed that a direct relationship exists between cefG copy number, cefG message levels, and CPC titers. This gene encodes an enzyme for what may be a rate-limiting step in CPC production.

PubMedSearch : Mathison_1993_Curr.Genet_23_33
PubMedID: 8428381
Gene_locus related to this paper: cepac-cefg

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Gene_locus cepac-cefg

Citations formats

Mathison L, Soliday C, Stepan T, Aldrich T, Rambosek J (1993)
Cloning, characterization, and use in strain improvement of the Cephalosporium acremonium gene cefG encoding acetyl transferase
Curr Genet 23 :33

Mathison L, Soliday C, Stepan T, Aldrich T, Rambosek J (1993)
Curr Genet 23 :33