

Title : Cell Cycle Regulation and Apoptotic Responses of the Embryonic Chick Retina by Ionizing Radiation - Mayer_2016_PLoS.One_11_e0155093
Author(s) : Mayer M , Kaiser N , Layer PG , Frohns F
Ref : PLoS ONE , 11 :e0155093 , 2016
Abstract :

Ionizing radiation (IR) exerts deleterious effects on the developing brain, since proliferative neuronal progenitor cells are highly sensitive to IR-induced DNA damage. Assuming a radiation response that is comparable to mammals, the chick embryo would represent a lower vertebrate model system that allows analysis of the mechanisms underlying this sensitivity, thereby contributing to the reduction, refinement and replacement of animal experiments. Thus, this study aimed to elucidate the radiation response of the embryonic chick retina in three selected embryonic stages. Our studies reveal a lack in the radiation-induced activation of a G1/S checkpoint, but rapid abrogation of G2/M progression after IR in retinal progenitors throughout development. Unlike cell cycle control, radiation-induced apoptosis (RIA) showed strong variations between its extent, dose dependency and temporal occurrence. Whereas the general sensitivity towards RIA declined with ongoing differentiation, its dose dependency constantly increased with age. For all embryonic stages RIA occurred during comparable periods after irradiation, but in older animals its maximum shifted towards earlier post-irradiation time points. In summary, our results are in good agreement with data from the developing rodent retina, strengthening the suitability of the chick embryo for the analysis of the radiation response in the developing central nervous system.

PubMedSearch : Mayer_2016_PLoS.One_11_e0155093
PubMedID: 27163610

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Citations formats

Mayer M, Kaiser N, Layer PG, Frohns F (2016)
Cell Cycle Regulation and Apoptotic Responses of the Embryonic Chick Retina by Ionizing Radiation
PLoS ONE 11 :e0155093

Mayer M, Kaiser N, Layer PG, Frohns F (2016)
PLoS ONE 11 :e0155093