

Title : Assessment of azinphosmethyl exposure in California peach harvest workers - McCurdy_1994_Arch.Environ.Health_49_289
Author(s) : McCurdy SA , Hansen ME , Weisskopf CP , Lopez RL , Schneider F , Spencer J , Sanborn JR , Krieger RI , Wilson BW , Goldsmith DF , et al.
Ref : Archives of Environmental Health , 49 :289 , 1994
Abstract :

We compared measurements of urinary alkylphosphate metabolites and oxime-induced reactivation of plasma cholinesterase (P-ChE) and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (RBC-AChE) with measurements of foliar residues, skin and clothing contamination, and P-ChE and RBC-AChE activities among 20 Northern California peach orchard workers exposed to the organophosphate agent azinphosmethyl (Guthion). Subjects entered orchards treated 30 d previously with azinphosmethyl and worked 21 d in treated fields during the ensuing 6 wk. Dislodgeable foliar residues ranged from 0.32-0.96 micrograms/cm2. Median reduction in RBC-AChE activity was 7% (p < .001) over the initial 3-d period of exposure and 19% (p < .01) over the 6-wk season. Urinary metabolites were the most sensitive indicator of recent exposure and correlated moderately with dermal and clothing levels (rs = +0.31-(+)0.55); urinary metabolites correlated well with RBC-AChE drawn 3 d after exposure began (rs = -0.77). No significant oxime-induced reactivation was found.

PubMedSearch : McCurdy_1994_Arch.Environ.Health_49_289
PubMedID: 8031187

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McCurdy SA, Hansen ME, Weisskopf CP, Lopez RL, Schneider F, Spencer J, Sanborn JR, Krieger RI, Wilson BW, Goldsmith DF, et al. (1994)
Assessment of azinphosmethyl exposure in California peach harvest workers
Archives of Environmental Health 49 :289

McCurdy SA, Hansen ME, Weisskopf CP, Lopez RL, Schneider F, Spencer J, Sanborn JR, Krieger RI, Wilson BW, Goldsmith DF, et al. (1994)
Archives of Environmental Health 49 :289